Extremely Limited: This "Manipulation Manual" is Proven... You Too Can Become a "Controller" and "Mind Force Specialist" By Using These Super Effective Techniques, Concepts and Strategies...

Revealed, The Formula That Teaches You Astonishing Self Confidence, Mindset & Subliminal Techniques in No-Time Flat- Without Any Experience Necessary--GUARANTEED!
Access Your Copy Below...

You Can Get This To Work For YOU even if you don't have experience!
Many of us have been using this without even knowing it our entire lives.
If you could know for certain there was a technology with which you could study which would allow you to increase your ability to control yourself and all aspects of your life, wouldn’t you jump right in begin the process immediately?
What if I told you, that you can do it and at the same time be as moral and ethical as you are right now?
Would you want to use it?
This technology can be learned easily, and as you learn this, it will truly allow you to see the benefits of this and how you can help people in the process, because you will do it as a win/win process.
Imagine what you're life will be like when you have total control over your mind...

PROOF: YOU Are Already Confident
Becoming a Controller of yourself is whole lot easier than you can ever imagine….The reason why we don’t have control of our lives, is because of the negative programming throughout our lives…
Go ahead and think back to a time in your life when you were told things that maybe weren’t true about who you really are, but they had an effect on you, and made you feel bad…
Maybe it caused you to feel unworthy of success…When I talk about success, I mean in all areas of your life.
My goal here is to let you know that you can learn how to take back the control that you have let slip by, and create a new and powerful focus.
You see, part of the process is knowing that your subconscious mind is so much more powerful than your conscious mind, and that when you learn how to tap into it, and re-program it, you have the keys to an abundant life like never before.
I’ve been maybe where you are right now. I’ve felt insecure, and filled with self-doubts and lack of self confidence.
Once I learned the methods I am about to teach you, I was able to create a breakthrough in my own life that is still present to this day.

This technology can be learned easily, and as you learn this, it will truly allow you to see the benefits of this and how you can help people in the process, because you will do it as a win/win process.
You’ll Learn How To:
Now, I know you’re probably skeptical. That’s normal and healthy. Let me give you four good reasons we can back up what we claim:
Reason One - I've Studied with The Best
After years of studying with some of the very best master instructors of “Closed Door Energy Arts”, Hypnosis & Mind Control, I can show how to easily and effectively control yourself and others.
Reason Two - Real World Application
I have been using these techniques in business as well as in my personal life, so I know the real world aspects of how these concepts work, and can show you how they can work powerfully for you too….
Reason Three- I Revealed Secrets
Some of the top hypnotists & mentalists are hopping mad that I let a lot of this highly guarded information out of the bag…. Even some of the instructors I learned from won't speak to me for releasing this information to the public
Reason Four- Satisfied Clients
I have been successfully selling these manuals and courses for 20+ years with satisfied customers all over the world. I have been on radio stations throughout the country and have been asked as a personal consultant to those that seek reliable information on Mind Control and Hypnotic Manipulation.
It's Not YOUR Fault...
You've been mentally conditioned and controlled your entire life...
You've been manipulated by your parents, teachers, bosses, the media and even the government.
Your life has been the ultimate mental manipulation, and it doesn't matter that most of it wasn't by design....
Your parents didn't want to hurt you mentally, but they probably did.
I have four kids, and I'll bet I played a part in hurting their self confidence and self esteem at times.
YOU Must Be The Driver of YOUR Life...
No matter how you've been conditioned, you must take control of your internal conditioning and dialogue if you want to truly be the most you can be.
I've been doing this for over 25 years, and I still have to make a conscious effort to feed my subconscious the things I want to manifest.
It's a super simple process if you know how to do it, if not you are at the mercy of those who will want to control you, whether by design or chance.
It's All About Influencing YOUR Unconscious Mind
Your Unconscious or Subconscious mind is your vehicle of power...
It is the part of the mind that is being influenced whether you want it to be or not.
It catalogs every conversation, every thought and every experience like a giant computer library.
It doesn't know the difference between an imagined thought or one that it real. It puts just as much significance on either.
The conscious mind on the other hand really only deals in "reality" and what it already knows to be true.
Control YOUR Unconscious, Control YOUR Outcomes
So then, if you can control the Unconscious or Subconscious programming, you control your life.
If you let someone or something (the media, government) else control the programming of your life you are being controlled.
That is both the simplicity and complexity of your situation...
You've Probably Heard This Before, So What Makes This Different?
The biggest difference is I'm going to show you not only how to help with your mental programming, I'm going to show you how you can integrate it with your energy systems to cause it to work much more effectively than most things you'll read or hear about.
I think I can say with some authority that I've studied with some of the very best people for Affirmations, Self Hypnosis, NLP, Subliminals, etc and most of them may talk about "the energy", but in my experience have no clue what they are even talking about.
The Mind Force Method is about integrating the mind with the energy to create a synergistic effect that you won't find elsewhere.
Enroll today and you'll be able to experience it for yourself.
So, If YOU Do This, YOU Can Be a Superman or SuperWoman of YOUR Mind?
That is 100% absolutely correct!
In fact it's not me just saying that, but the entire scientific community...
That is provided you follow the instructions and put in the proper flight time to make the necessary changes to your mind.
It's kind of just like, can I guarantee you'll get in shape and lose weight? I actually can, if you do the work and follow the prescribed routines to achieve the objective.
Well, the same thing is true with your mind.
The results are real, the methods are tangible and help you transform your mind.
What Could Possibly Stop You From Getting Amazing Lifetime Skills of a Controller ?
There's really only two things on this planet that can stop you from getting these skills to work for you.
One is time and the other is money.
And I hear you on both counts.
Think about how better your life will be in as little as 90 day, but let's say it even took you 12 months to get these concepts to work for you like crazy.
You'd have an arsenal of tactics, techniques and methods you could rely on for the rest of your life.
The even better news is once you get them to work for you, they become yours for life. You own the technique, concept or method because it's been placed in your mind by design.
These Type of Potent Mind Skills Aren't For Everyone
Look as great as this training is, I understand it's not for everybody. So I want you to really be sure this is right for you when you enroll today.
Well, you know, one of the smartest people in the United States’ history was a guy named Ben Franklin who I'm sure you've heard about.
Whenever Ben Franklin came up to a decision he was trying to make, he had this method that would always guide him in the process of making that decision.
What he would do is get out a piece of paper and he would draw a line down the middle and he would then write the good aspects of that decision, the pros, on one side and he would write the cons on the other side.
That's why I'd like you take a minute and review the pros and cons below of what we're about to do together.
Mindset Preeminence
Total Mindset Domination Tool Set
These are just some of the benefits you'll receive when you enroll today. Thousands of people just like you from all over the world have used this successfully, so why not you?
You've Probably Heard This Before, So What Makes This Different?
The biggest difference is I'm going to show you not only how to help with your mental programming, I'm going to show you how you can integrate it with your energy systems to cause it to work much more effectively than most things you'll read or hear about.
I think I can say with some authority that I've studied with some of the very best people for Affirmations, Self Hypnosis, NLP, Subliminals, etc and most of them may talk about "the energy", but in my experience have no clue what they are even talking about.
The Mind Force Method is about integrating the mind with the energy to create a synergistic effect that you won't find elsewhere.
Enroll today and you'll be able to experience it for yourself.
Why Would You Want to Do This Right Now?
The only pressure you'll ever feel to enroll in this program today is your own internal pressure.
Outside of the all the amazing results you'll begin to uncover for yourself like more confidence, higher self esteem, and knowing you have a sure fire pathway to control, this offer is priced today at the lowest it will probably be and you can get it for less than half of what others will pay in the future.
In fact, I used to sell my Manipulation and Ultimate Hypnotic Influence courses by themselves for $150 (hard copies) and you're going to get access to those stellar courses and so much more.

The reason I’ve decided to release Manipulation to the public is… because if you ever have to defend yourself against these types of tactics, then you deserve to know and “ARM Yourself With Precision Weapons to defuse a Hypnotic Predator!”
As you read on, I’ll tell you more about how these high velocity concepts, methods and tactics will help you but let me tell you some straight from the hip facts about the rest of the picture.
Introducing: Manipulation, The Master Secrets of Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence Manual

Fact is – “Most hypnosis books or courses are full of fluff, with no real content. My books and courses covers everything you need. I show you how to increase the most potent weapon of all…..YOUR MIND!” And The Pure Fact of the Matter, is that this amazing manual, will open up the doorway to becoming a Maximized Controller!

These Are original manuscripts when I first wrote the book back in 2001. I didn't know anything about publishing, but I knew if the content was good, it would sell. I sold Manipulation in this format all over the years before I ever had them published professionally...And you know what? My clients loved the material.

These Are right after I published the books and had them uploaded to Amazon. (Please note, I don't always wear that shirt, but when I do it's for hypnosis book photos :)
The Manipulation Manual As It Appears on Amazon.com

This manual sells every day at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online retailers for around $30 each in hard copy format (Regular Price $39.95 each) & $19.95 each in digital format. Since you’ve landed on this website or signed up for my “Mind Force Hypnosis Videos & Reports”, I’m going to give you the chance to get your hands on Manipulation for more than 75% off and also throw you some awesome bonus items to boot.
Just see on the graphic below all of the additional bonus items you’ll receive when you order this today with this very special “Limited Time Offer”.
I will add several “Quick Start” videos and audio files which will allow you to get the maximum out of this material (sold elsewhere for $29.95 each). You get it added to your order today for FREE!
You’ll also get a bonus “Hypnosis Secrets Revealed” Manuscript, which is over 70 pages and includes additional information and concepts not discussed elsewhere.
Just see the check list below of all the Added Value you’ll receive when you order directly from us. No other online retailer has these bonuses and they are worth the entire cost of what you are paying for with this offer, so check them out…
Why pay top dollar when you can get all of this hard to find information at a fantastic savings and value. Order today, you’ll be glad you did.

Manipulation: The Master Secrets of Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence

Taken from my personal notes,,,,
I place this book as one of the best reference manuals on how to Influence and persuade with power…
Recently updated, this masterful work will give you the skills needed to take your hypnotic techniques to a new level…
This book has been sold for as much as $39.95 by itself, and I may even decide to remove it from the library because of it’s immense value…
Price: $27 for Immediate Digital Download PDF Manuscript or Entire Collection for $47
Special Limited Time Bonuses-- You Won't Find These Bonuses Anywhere Else But Here!

Limited Time Bonus Document-- Manipulation Quick Reference Guide
This special Quick Reference Guide will allow you access to special notes that A.Thomas Perhacs created after the publication of the book for his private mentoring students.
You will have at your fingertips the most comprehensive review guide on how to use Hypnotic Influence and Manipulation.
Value: $19.95
Limited Time Bonus Video-- Manipulation Video Guide
This special Quick Reference Videos Guide will allow you access to special notes that A.Thomas Perhacs created after the publication of the book for his private mentoring students.
You will have at your fingertips the most comprehensive review guide on how to use Hypnotic Influence and Manipulation.
Value: $29.95

Limited Time Bonus Audio-- Manipulation Reference Audio Guide
Same content as the video so you can load it onto your favorite audio mp3 player and have access to it when ever you want.
Value: $19.95
The Manipulation Manual Bonuses

Bonus #1-- 30 Minute Personal One-on-One Coaching/Mentoring with Sifu Perhacs. Set your mindset and strategy to gain the clarity needed to become a hypnotic influence specialist. Or at least have amazing persuasion and influence skills.

Bonus #2-- Training Software Board This special online software will allow you to have access to the entire curriculum in one place with all of the workouts, rituals and concepts in any of the courses, systems and master classes. Priceless value, yours as a special added bonus.

Bonus #3-- Future Advanced Training Tutorials Because you took action, you will have access to future training workshops, videos and audios. You will be able to keep up with the latest advancements and enhancements to the program to always be on the cutting edge.
WARNING: Do not Buy This book, unless You Really Need to Become a More Powerful Controller of your life...
You will get more skills, more value, more everything from this than any other program currently on the market...
Compare this to what else is on the market and you will come to the conclusion that this is exactly what you've been looking for at a price and value that can't be beat....
Have you ever heard of the word "no brainer"? Well my friend this is one...
You get all of my Systems, which provide hours of cutting edge information, plus all of the bonus information that will be provided...
My advice...Take this while the price is at this super low level...
I could raise the price at any time. (In fact many of my clients have said I'm not charging enough for the amount of high quality information
I’m not going to lie to you like some sleazy marketers do!
The truth is… Depending on how much time you decide to invest in this system, I can’t guarantee that you’ll be a “Master Hypnotist” in 60 days… for example, if you only do this every “now and then” it might realistically take longer than 60 days.
However, what I CAN guarantee is that if you apply these techniques you will definitely be able to start the process of Hypnotic Influence and Control. I’ll even let you in on the secrets that Stage Hypnotists use to get people to act a certain way… (if that’s your goal).
Alright, I want to take any doubts or indecision you might have at this point, out of your head. Seriously, if you don’t take action, you will NEVER become the Controller you were meant to be… You’ll simply continue to struggle for years more with that thought of “what if”.
You’ll just keep procrastinating and making up lame excuses as to why you’re “gonna wait until next week” to start your journey. PLEASE!
Why not make the decision TODAY to finally learn an exact proven method of success to get your mind re-focused and become in control as well as the ability to re-create your life (if you desire).
I want you to realize that you have nothing to lose except maybe your old ways of thinking and doing. That’s why I’ve decided to offer you 100% unconditional money back guarantee if you do not successfully get this to work for you in 60 days.
You have a full 8 weeks to review the program and see for yourself as you begin on the journey of a lifetime through mind and spirit. If you are not satisfied with the information, we will give you a prompt and courteous refund. It’s that simple.

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.
I want you to realize that you have nothing to lose except maybe your old ways of thinking and doing. That’s why I’ve decided to offer you 100% unconditional money back guarantee if you do not successfully get this to work for you in 60 days.
You have a full 8 weeks to review the program and see for yourself as you begin on the journey of a lifetime through mind and spirit. If you are not satisfied with the information, we will give you a prompt and courteous refund. It’s that simple.

You might ask why I am foolish enough to offer a money back guarantee.
Well, basically I am assuming that you are a trustworthy individual that would not try to take advantage of me unless you were legitimately dissatisfied.
However, I am so confident in this system that I know you’ll be satisfied once you see how well it works for you.
That’s my promise to you! I’m genuinely invested in helping you achieve your meditation goals and improving your quality of life forever.
Just look at some of the testimonials below from my readers all over the world, and you can see that this program actually delivers on everything I’m promising you.
What our customers are saying:

All The Way From Germany...
"I just want to say thanks for these products...
It is like I've been waiting my whole life for these techniques and I don't know if I'm ready, but I'm going to give it a try."
Gerti D. // Germany

Looking Forward to Mastering the Power Even More.
Love your stuff! Looking forward to more. The training is more intense than I thought and so much more satisfying as well.
Jeremy D.

These Products Are Right On Target...
"As far as I am concerned your products are right on target and will surely help any one that takes the time and believes that they will work. I know from what I have done thus far that it has definitely made a difference in my life."

This is a Great Value...
""Is this a good value? holy crap! this is a great value. it is amazing! it has already enhanced my life, perception, and intent. It has also made my xing yi, bagua, and tai chi a hell of allot more meaningful and powerful and it has only been 2 days! thank you so much I cant wait to purchase more of your products. thank you so much!"
your friend and student Joseph P., Ohio
Lucky K. // FL
Not going to bore you with more, but I have hundreds if not thousands like that if not better!
You’re Probably Wondering How Much These Amazing Manuals Are Going to Set You Back
I know what you’re thinking… So how much is this entire package going to cost me, Al? Well, as you can see, the value of this package, including the Manuals well as the bonus items, is over $500.00.
However, I wanted to make this manual affordable for everyone, and a wise investment in your personal development & something you will do for the rest of your life!
For that reason, I’m offering my Manipulation Manual, The Bonus Videos, Audio Files, and Hypnosis Book. This sells every day on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online retailers for $30 + shipping, or you can find this manuals elsewhere being sold in digital format for $27.00…Now you can get all of this for only $4.99 total for The Manipulation Manual +Bonuses!
If you think about that in terms of getting these unique abilities that you want in 8 weeks, this comes out to only $.17 per day for 8 weeks! Come on now… even your morning coffee or tea costs more than $.17 per day.
Manipulation Sell Everyday Online for $39.95 hard copy or $27.00 for the digital version, Yours Today Only $9.95 for Immediate Digital Download of Manipulation (Plus Bonuses).
You’re Just Moments Away From The Skills of a Lifetime!
The order links below will take you to our guaranteed secure server and you can instantly download the printable PDF format E-book package, online audio and video bonuses, and more. Instead of waiting for a typical package in the mail, you can download this program immediately and get started on your new meditation journey in just minutes from now!
You can choose to read the program on your computer, or print it out to read anytime, anywhere. The audio bonuses will be available to listen to directly online or download to your preferred MP3 player.
Don’t delay, because the FREE bonus package valued at $450 will only be available for a limited time due to the fact that I’ll probably release it as its own product, so grab this system today.
In just a few minutes, you’ll be able to download and start absorbing the info in the program and see for yourself why this system is currently not only one of the best selling Hypnosis Systems in the world, but also one of the best training manuals you’ll ever find…
Get started today and claim your Manipulation Manual downloadable package, and receive this cutting edge program along with $450 worth of FREE bonuses, click the following order button below to go to our secure processing page.
Take Action Today, You’ll Be Glad You Did!
Why Would I Give Over $500
Worth of Products & Value For Only $4.99?
Let's be frank, you would be just plain crazy to miss this offer. Especially when it comes to how powerful this can make your ability to control your mind.
The reason I'm making this offer is to show you the value of what I have to offer, and know that when you need more comprehensive and Advanced material, you'll come to me...Smart eh?
A Limited Number of The Manipulation Manual Will Be Released In This Promotion Period
(Then The Price Will Go Up )
***This is a True Limited Time Offer***
I only plan to offer this Manipulation to a small group at the insanely low $4.99 price point .
Why, because my real money is made from coaching and I get more coaching clients once they try some of my lower priced offers. In fact, I just signed a yearly coaching client at $15,000, so you can see this is just a filter to my coaching.
Can You Keep These Secrets "Just Between Us"

Non-Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement
Because of the rarity and value of the information inside The Manipulation Manual and because of the benefits and unfair advantage that it gives to my few clients that have it. I must insist that you agree to full confidentiality and non-disclosure of the information. This is NOT negotiable and you cannot access The Manipulation Manual at any price without agreeing to this one condition.
For a Limited Time Save Over 80% and Get Access to THE Manipulation Manual + Bonuses for Only $4.99. The Price Will Be Going Back Up to $27 After This Special Promotion & It Might Not Include All The Stunning Bonuses!
--Limited Time Offer--
Your Agreement:
I understand I'll have access to some of the most powerful techniques known to build up incredible The Manipulation Manual and that I agree to use caution with each technique taught in any of the systems.
I also, only hold myself responsible for any bad side effects I may encounter. I agree to use the concepts, methods and techniques taught only for myself and my family and won't share them with others unless I have written consent from A. Thomas Perhacs.
I also understand and agree to all other Terms and Conditions detailed on this page.
Here's What's Included-Immediate Digital Download:
I will be showing how you can be manipulated in the following, but certainly not limited to just these areas.
- The Manipulation Manual ($27)
- Manipulation Quick Reference Guide: This special Quick Reference Guide will allow you access to special notes that A.Thomas Perhacs created after the publication of the book for his private mentoring students. ($19.95)
- Manipulation Video Guide: You will have at your fingertips the most comprehensive review guide on how to use Hypnotic Influence and Manipulation. ($29.95)
- Manipulation Reference Audio Guide: Same content as the video so you can load it onto your favorite audio mp3 player and have access to it when ever you want. ($19.95)
- [BONUS] Trello Software Board: This is worth the entire investment as you will have all the exercises and techniques in on place to use immediately. ($100)
- Future Advanced Training & QA Session: Because you took action, you will have access to future training workshops, videos and audios. You will be able to keep up with the latest advancements and enhancements to the program to always be on the cutting edge. ($100)
- SUPER BONUS: 30 Minute Deep Dive with Al Perhacs ($250)
Total Value: $546.85
ONE-TIME price of $27
$27 $4.99 Limited Time Special Offer
Sifu Al Perhacs has been training in the esoteric arts for over 20 years. He started out as a martial artist and quickly moved to the internal side of training. He has written over 20 different courses of study and currently has 5 best selling books.
He is the Author, Creator and Visionary behind the Mind Force Method.
He is also the first person to create an online training curriculum for the advancement of Mind Force and Quantum Qigong.
He is the author and curator of 5 best selling books including, The Chi Power Blueprint, Manipulation, Master Secrets of Hypnosis, Dim Mak Secrets, and Mind Force Secrets.
A. Thomas Perhacs // Author, Creator, Visionary

Now, You Can Learn What Took Me Years, in Only Days, Weeks or Months...
It took me many years to not only learn how to do many of these things, but years to just to compile the information to make sure I was covering all the bases.
You can find highly detailed and complex courses on Esoteric Training Methods and other topics, that will take you a long time just to understand the concepts, let alone get them to work for you......With this book and audios you are getting exactly what you need to get these concepts to work for you, and the best thing is that these methods have been used by thousands all over the world successfully...
With either patway, "The Mind Force Method of High Performance Coaching", I show you the next level of techniques to use your energy with. The audios go into some of the areas most requested by our clients and customers around the world.
Copyright 2020, Velocity Group Publishing/ The Mind Force Library